Saturday, September 26, 2009

school rocks

sup, soooo, how is school, everbody???? my new school is totally awsome, i love it sooooooooooo much! awsome teacher, like 5 million friends, getting great grades and the recess is soo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i hope u guys are having fun, just like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

luv kia
p.s. tell me by sending me an email

Thursday, July 23, 2009

email us!

Email us!
hey,we want to know if u think our blog is bad or good or give us a rate on a scale from
1-10 by giving us comments or emailing us! we want u to give us tips and suggestions to make our blog more fun, interesting, colourful and if u guys want to start your own blog then feel free to ask us how to get one and how to make it great!
k, thx everbody
zakia + megan
p.s. if u don't have our emails they are: and

Monday, July 20, 2009



hey guys,   how's everyone's summer going!    i hope miss gretzinger/deerborn is having fun with brad! i miss u all! lol, i just spilt hot tea all over me and i have burns all over, ouch!!!!! my clothes are all wet and i'm at my grandma's so i'm wearing my brother's extra clothes, lol! my family and i were going to go to kelowna soon but we might not because of the big fires! it's not really worth it if there is fires there! it's always good to be safe! meg says "hi everybody"!
talk to ya later guys,     

Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's Been Sooooooo LONG!!!

Hey everyone!!!
I just realized that i have not been on Zakia and my blog lately!!!
School is out in 4 days!!!
I'm happy that summer is coming but I really don't want to leave Miss.Gretzingers Great Grade 5 Class!!!
I don't think any teacher can be better then Miss.G!!!
And I will admit I am so excited to be moving up to Morven but I'm also extremely nervous!!!
Well I hope you all have an amazing summer!!!

xoxo Megan

Monday, April 13, 2009


hey guys
how was your easter everyone?
i hope you guys got a lot of chocolate eggs!
luv kia

Sunday, March 8, 2009

shampain party

shampain/cocktail party
You can find a friend who has , not the same month but date of birth and if it was the 11 then when u turn 11 you can have a shampain party but u don't have to drink any shampain! For example, when me and meganturn 12 we are going to have one together! but if you birthday is the first of something then u double it and have the party then!
you hould try it!!!!!!!!!!
love zakia

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spring Break

Spring Break
I'm going to mexico this spring break and i am so excited!
Email us and tell us where u are going or what u are doing!
Talk to yah soon,